PluriBank FailSafe B2M/CIITA knockout R&D Vial

PSXi013-A-3 induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with FailSafe and B2M/CIITA knockout




PluriBankTM FailSafe® and B2M/CIITA knockout induced Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Catalog Number:  PSXi013-A-3 Top2A-sFS BC

Cell number per vial:  >1 million at freeze


Product Summary

PSXi013 RUO cells are fibroblast derived induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cryopreserved at greater than 1 million cells per vial with a >80% viable cell recovery when handled and thawed following the instructions for use.


  • 1 vial PSXi013 + FailSafe + BC KO iPSCs (>1 million at freeze)
  • 1 vial unedited PSXi013 control iPSCs (>1 million at freeze)
  • 2x 1 mL full-length laminin-521 (Biolaminin® 521 LN)

Format: Research Use Only; Refer to Limited Use License for full terms and conditions

Passage number:  45

Donor Information: 56 year old, Healthy, Male, Caucasian

Karyotype:  46, XY; Normal by G-Band

Pluripotency Markers:   SSEA-4, OCT4 & SOX2 (>90%), NANOG (Reported)

Gene Edits: FailSafe inserted in the TOP2A gene (safety switch), B2M and CIITA gene knockouts (HLA class I and class II null)


Cell Source

PSXi013 RUO iPSCs were derived under current Good Tissue Practice (cGTP) and conform to Global Ethical Standards and Clinical Cell Regulations with complete donor history and testing information.


Cell Bank Manufacturing

Pluristyx iPSC cell bank vials are tested and confirmed to be free of adventitious agents, including mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, fungi, and human virus.  The cells have been characterized with regards to karyotype, pluripotency, and have been Short Tandem Repeat (STR) fingerprinted to confirm cell line identity.



The induced pluripotent stem cells (“iPSC”) and related products provided by Pluristyx to recipient is subject to a limit use license (“LUL”).  This LUL restricts the use of the iPSCs and related products to non-commercial, internal research only. These iPSCs and their modifications, including, but not limited to, derivatives, including gene-edited derivatives, or differentiated progeny (collectively, “iPSC Derived Products”), may not be used in humans or animals for therapeutic, diagnostic, or clinical applications, nor for any commercial gain. Pluristyx retains all rights and title to the iPSCs and iPSC Derived Products. Further, Buyer has no rights to produce, sell, or distribute, these iPSC and iPSC Derived Products, whether with other materials or not. Recipients receive non-transferable, limited rights to use iPSCs for internal research purposes only, with no right to resell or transfer these materials or their derivatives or differentiated products. Additionally, Buyer is specifically excluded from using these iPSC and iPSC Derived Products for services and/or manufacturing. iPSC and iPSC Derived Products may be used to screen compounds, antibodies, proteins, or peptides only for target discovery, target validation, or assay development, provided the results are not commercialized.  

Users must acknowledge the provenance of the cells in all publications and presentations. For commercial license terms to adjust this LUL, please contact

Additional Information

SKU PSXi013-A-3 Category
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