
Thawing cryosample taken out of cryostorage.

Cryopreservation (II): Cutting edge solutions

Introduction to Cryopreservation Cryopreservation, involving the preservation of cells and maintenance of biological states through suspension in a cryo-media at frozen temperatures, is today the bio-preservation technique of choice for advanced therapy supply chains (Jang et al., 2017, Rafiq et al., 2017). Compared to alternatives such as short term hypothermic preservation, cryopreservation offers extended hold

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FailSafe®: Engineered safety for tomorrow’s cell therapies

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies are a novel class of targeted and personalized immunotherapy which have shown remarkable success to date in treating certain hematological malignancies, including certain types of leukemia and lymphoma. There are currently six commercially available CAR T-Cell therapies: Abecma, Breyanzi, Kymriah, Tecartus, Yescarta, and Carvykti (Ghosh, 2023). There are a

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Introduction to Cryopreservation Cryopreservation describes the controlled process of freezing biological material at extremely low temperatures in order to discontinue biochemical reactions, including those associated with cell death and DNA damage, to allow long-term storage and/or transport. Given recent medical advances in cell-based therapies, the importance of cryopreservation continues to increase based on the necessity

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